About Us

The purpose of SERV is to provide * radiation* victims *and others* with documentation about radiation exposure and radiation related subjects. Anyone desiring radiation related information is welcome to contact us with requests. No “membership” fees or payment is required and a Web-site will facilitate the distribution of information and documents from SERV.

Other purposes are to create and maintain a repository of documents and various information related to the impact of radiation on people and communities; to study and disseminate, in a non-partisan manner, factual information on the health, social and environmental impacts of radiation on human life; to enable fact gathering by the public at large; to help individuals affected by radiation gain access to supportive resources and assure the preservation of valuable private and government papers of historical importance to the radiation affected community.

SERV is committed to support accuracy and truth in dealing with the subject of radiation and to provide non-biased, factual information to researchers, attorneys, journalists, authors, educators, medical staff, industry workers and the public.

SERV is dedicated to the correction of inaccurate, false and unsubstantiated radiation related announcements and statements currently in use and in the public eye.

SERV is committed to recognize and encourage honest and truthful representation of *radiation, and radiation impacts*, and promote public awareness and public recognition.

SERV will encourage and support the creation of a memorial to at least 20 000 dead and millions of living radiation victims of *the industrialization of nuclear technology in* America.

SERV was incorporated in January of 1998 to be able to *serve* the ever-growing number of Americans who need assistance in the form of education and information and to provide them with vital information important to their physical and emotional welfare.

We have become acutely aware of the healing ability of truth and compassion!

Contact E-mail: info@serv.org
PO Box 2214, Kensington, MD 20895, USA

7 Responses to About Us

  1. Mary Olson says:

    BEAUTIFUL! Clear! well designed to be simple. A great start.

    I hope one of the things you will add is a link to the page where my work on radiation and gender is posted: http://www.nirs.org/radiation/radhealth/radhealthhome.htm on that page you can find my original 2011 paper “Atomic Radiation is More Harmful to Women” — where it clearly states that radiation is harmful to men; but not as much as girls and women… and other items. None have any copy right, so feel free to cite, link or even re-post on SERV!


  2. Dennis Nelson says:

    There is a very important 60 Minutes interview with Benjamin Ferencz, a prosecutor at the Nueremburg trials of Nazi war criminals, which contains an interesting perspective on war. Ferencz makes the profound statement that “War makes murderers out of otherwise decent people. All wars, and all decent people.”

    It is worth reading the entire transcript of this interview at: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-the-last-nuremberg-prosecutor-alive-wants-the-world-to-know/. The interview helps us to understand why some “otherwise decent people” are willing to contaminate or even kill their fellow countrymen when they think that their actions are necessary and required by their “patriotic duty” to protect their country.

  3. Dennis Nelson says:

    A consensus is developing for a worldwide ban on nuclear weapons. This was manifested by a series of conferences on the humanitarian effect of nuclear weapons including the one in Vienna, Austria in December 2014. See the conference program on their website at:


    This movement has culminated in the recent United Nations vote to make the use or threatened use of nuclear weapons illegal. There has also been progress towards an international treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons with a vote in the UN expected in September.

  4. Dennis Nelson says:

    On Sept. 20, 2017, 50 nations signed a resolution to make the use or threatened use of nuclear weapons illegal. This is an important step towards the eventual total elimination of nuclear weapons. Daryl Kimball has written a thoughtful essay on this topic. You can read the full essay on the Arms Control Association website which can be found at: https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2017-10/focus/prohibit-not-promote-nuclear-weapons-use

  5. Dennis Nelson says:

    Good News! The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) has just been awarded the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize. This group, based in Geneva, Switzerland, has been active since 2007 with efforts to pass an international treaty to ban all nuclear weapons worldwide. This effort is a follow on to the already existing international treaties prohibiting poison gas, land-mines and cluster-munitions. Please see the ICAN website at: http://www.icanw.org/ for more information on their activities.

  6. Article on radioactive toxins leaking onto the land and into the sea and air in the Marshall Islands after a failed containment and inadequate clean-up of debris from a-bomb tests in the 1950s.


  7. Dennis says:

    The extreme wild-fires in the American West, as well as those around the Chernobyl accident site, pose a danger to human and animal health by releasing radioactive particles and gases back into the air. In addition to the heat load on the planet caused by the fires themselves and the millions of tons of carbon dioxide produced (which increases the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere), these radioactive toxins released have a serious effect on our health.

    During the Cold War era, the amount of C-14 in the atmosphere effectively doubled from its pre-war level because of all the free neutrons released by atmospheric tests which interacted with carbon and nitrogen nuclei in the air. At the same time the cases of cancer, produced by fallout from nuclear tests, also doubled over the next 30 years. (To account for latency between the time of exposure and the time of cancer appearance one must track the exposed population for several decades beyond the time when atmospheric bomb tests were banned by treaty in 1963). Our forests and other biological processes acted as a cleaner and repository for this extra C-14 in the atmosphere produced by nuclear bombs and, over time, it was sequestered in vegetation, ocean sediments and other living things. As the radioactive C-14 was gradually removed by the biota from the air, the cancer rates gradually returned to pre-war levels between the 1980s and the 2020s.

    Whereas, burning fossil fuels also produces carbon dioxide, that gas does not contain radioactive carbon-14, like that being released by the wild-fires, because all the C-14 originally present in fossil fuels has long since decayed while it was lying underground for millions of years.

    The wildfires have now released much of that bomb test C-14 back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide where it is again mobile and will be incorporated into our food and bodies again. I expect to see a resurgence in cancer cases just like what occurred in the 1940s through 1970s. Is anyone out there even measuring the expected increase in C-14 in our atmosphere as a result of the fires burning our forests? Vegetation has been an effective repository and sink for all that extra bomb test C-14 over the last three or four decades. Now that this depot is gone the increase of C-14 in the atmosphere should be documented so that this knowledge can be correlated with future increases in cancer rates decades down the road.

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